We have Lame Genie, the finist video game band from Rhode Island on the show to talk about everything from BT Jones to Gilbert Gottfried, being inspired by first-gen video game bands, YouTube shenaigans, OSW Review, upcoming releases, and more! (Available on Spotify, Apple Music)
Lame Genie will be performing in Orlando, Florida on March 5th at ONGAKU 20XX: Wily’s Revenge with Bit Brigade, The OneUps, and trash Burger. Tickets are available at ongakuoverdrive.com.
Get more of Lame Genie at lamegenie.com and youtube.com/c/LameGenie.You can also support Nerd Music Meltdown at patreon.com/ongakuoverdrive.
“The Meltdown” theme by RoboRob