Last night was incredible. You all got us to $7823 during Fairy Fountain: Hearts for LA, which is very significant.
We want to thank the entire Zeldathon team for all their hard work on the broadcast, as well as planning. This was an excellent team-up with two great communities tuning in and showing love all night.
This was our biggest concert stream ever with TWELVE amazing acts that all brought something fun and unique to the table. Thank you to all the performers for bringing such positive and creative energy to the show.
People are still recovering in Los Angeles, and every dollar we raised will go towards helping them out. It is wonderful how much gamers set up when it’s time to help and you all went above beyond, surpassing TWO goals we set. You guys are seriously the best.
The Fairy Fountain merch shop will be open until 11:59 CST on Wednesday, February 19th. There are lots of really cool items and Tantrum will donate an additional $5 for each sale to our Tiltify campaign. So we could get to $8K!
Both Ongaku Overdrive and Zeldathon have some great events to look forward to this year, so be sure to follow both groups for what’s next.