Thanks for supporting Give Kids the World with Virtua Ongaku!

2023 is almost finished and we wanted to end the year on a good note, raising a bunch of money to help some families going through hard times. This past Sunday was our third annual Virtua Ongaku Holiday Special to benefit Give Kids the World Village.

Give Kids the World Village brings families of terminally ill children to central Florida for the magical vacation experience we are known for here. Many of us first-hand have seen the incredible work that organization does and are happy to support them.

With the help of all of you, as well as the amazing performances from Audio Mocha, Jer Roque, Lauren the Flute, JOEY Z64, Ro Panuganti, and Button Masher, we raised nearly a grand for them. You guys rule!

If anyone wants us to hit that grand milestone, the Tiltify campaign is still open. You can also watch the VOD of the show for at least another week. The performances will eventually end up on our YouTube, along with the OngakuVania performances.

Coming up, we have our holiday meetup at The Pinball Lounge in Oviedo, FL this Saturday, and we will be starting off 2024 strong with Mega Ran’s “Black Materia Live” at Conduit on January 25th. A few of us will be at MAGFest too!

Thank you all again for tuning into Virtua Ongaku and helping us raise money for Give Kids the World Village. Happy Holidays!