Jackson Parodi to host ONGAKU 20XX: Wily’s Revenge!

We’re really excited about ONGAKU 20XX: Wily’s Revenge next month. We look forward to making this a special night and seeing everyone again, and even more new friends based on the ticket list! Y’all know that bit brigade, Lame Genie, The OneUps, and trash Burger are going to kill it, but we wanted to make the show even better.

We are excited to announce that one of Orlando’s greatest entertainment entities, Jackson Parodi, will be hosting the show! You have seen Jackon Parodi at multiple Ongaku Overdrive events, live and virtual, as well at events such as MAGFest and Zeldathon. He was even in Random Encounter that one time! Remember that? Anyways, we wanted Jackson to be at the show and now it’s happening. Get your tickets before it’s too late.