TWO interviews on this edition of Nerd Music Meltdown. VGM CONline is this weekend (April 22nd to 25th) on their Twitch. It will feature a bunch of music, panels, gaming, speedruns, and even an awards show! (Also available on Spotify, Apple Music)
In part 1, we have VGM CON operations director Vaughn Rowles (@vaughnyboy8) to talk about the event and how VGM CON came to be in 2018, how things went last year right before the pandemic, and gaming culture in Minneapolis.
In part 2, Kent runs down the Game Music Remix Awards with showrunner Jeff Penny. (@JeffPennyMusic) This awards show will feature musical performances and also be a part of the VGM CON weekend (Friday, April 23rd at 7pm EST) Definitely check that out!
Find out more about VGM CON at vgmcon.org. Want to get future episodes of the Nerd Music Meltdown before anyone else? Subscribe at patreon.com/ongakuoverdrive.
Music used:
Lacey Johnson – Butterfly (from Dance Dance Revolution)
Gunderslam – Hornet (from Hollow Knight)
Ro Panuganti – Potion Shop (from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
“The Meltdown” theme by RoboRob